The protagonist of the story is Eren Yeager, who, after seeing the destruction of his hometown and the death of his mother, makes a solemn promise to eradicate the Titans from the world. They are protected from huge man-eating humanoids known as 'Titans' by the walls that surround them. The events of the manga series, which were written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama, take place in a world in which humanity lives contained within cities that are surrounded by three extremely large walls. The anime series Attack on Titan, which debuted in September 2013, is based on the popular Japanese manga of the same name.
The other episodes of this decade-long anime franchise are also available to view on the streaming platform.
The following is a list of songs that can be found on 'Attack on Titan The Final Season Original Soundtrack 02.'Īttack on Titan Final Season Part 2 aired weekly on Crunchyroll, with new episodes every Sunday.